Op deze pagina vindt u een lijst van wetenschappelijke artikelen gepubliceerd door medewerkers van de praktijk.
Daan van Waaijen
van Waaijen, D., ten Berge, M., Veerkamp, J.S. (2001).
Dental fear in children: dental experiences during childhood
Nederlands Tijdschrift Tandheelkunde 2001 Nov; 108(11)466-9
Michail Koutris
Koutris, M., Naeije, M., Lobbezoo, F., Wang, K., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Svensson, P. & Farina, D. (2010). Normalization reduces the spatial dependency of the jaw-stretch reflex activity in the human masseter muscle. Muscle & nerve, 41, 78-84.
Türker, K.S., Koutris, M., Sümer, N.C., Atis, E.S., Linke, I.R., Lobbezoo, F. & Naeije, M. (2010).
Provocation of delayed-onset muscle soreness in the human jaw-closing muscles. Archives of Oral Biology, 55(9), 621-629.
Koutris, M., Lobbezoo, F., Naeije, M., Wang, K., Svensson, P., Arendt-Nielsen, L. & Farina, D. (2009).
Effects of intense chewing exercises on the sensory-motor system.
Journal of Dental Research, 88, 658-662.
Wetselaar, P., Lobbezoo, F., Koutris, M., Visscher, C.M. & Naeije, M. (2009). Reliability of an occlusal and nonocclusal tooth wear grading system: clinical use versus dental cast assessment. The International Journal of Prosthodontics, 22(4), 388-390.
Koutris, M., Wetselaar, P. & Papayianni, C. (2007). Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Sjögren Syndrome, and Reiter Syndrome in the TMD/ Orofacial Pain clinic. NVGPT BULLETIN, 25, 6-9.
Wetselaar, P., Kalaykova, S.I., Papayianni, C. & Koutris, M. (2007). Primary headaches. NVGPT BULLETIN, 25, 18-27.
Wetselaar, P., Kalaykova, S.I., Papayianni, C. & Koutris, M. (2007). Primary headaches. NVFT/VVTMD, 1, 5-13.
Wetselaar, P. & Koutris, M. (2006). What are the effects of occlusal forces on periodontal tissues? NVGPT BULLETIN, 24, 6-7.
Kalaykova, S.I., Koutris, M. & Wetselaar, P. (2005). Neuropathic trigeminal pain. NVGPT BULLETIN, 23, 26-27.